Monday, March 28, 2011

Blog post 10. RETURN OF THE BLOG

A remix that I find rather nifty is...

This is a rather eerily spot on mash up between the 'Im not a homo' kid and Bill Oreilly's infamous 'Fuck it we'll do it live' outburst.

This is an example of a simple remix as explained by Lessig on pg. 69, all it is is a layer of the kids mouth from the no homo video layered over Oreilly's with the no homo audio played. A rather simple touch, which leads to another point hat relates to Lessig,

This is an example of 'bits of culture' that the artist remixes to 'deliver a message more powerfully than any original could' p.71. In this case, the message is that Bill Oreilly really wants you to think he isnt a whiney 'homo' *nice try bill*.

Thirdly this clip relates to Lessig's point about the power that remixed items generally have. The two videos that were mixed here carry cultural signifigance, just look at the views each respective one has on youtube. The mixer's message wouldnt be anywhere near as sharp or hilarious had it not been for the weight of the two videos.


  1. This is SO funny, and you're right... it's eerily spot on. Nice connections! Especially the bit about the layers. I think that might be an important key to making an effective remix, having layers.

  2. I had never seen this before so I watched the original first and then this one, oh man, that Bill O'Reilly. This remix is hilarious and you made some really good connections to Lessig, I definitely see the 'bits of culture' and layers in the video and think that incorporating culture and layers is an essential of any good remix.

  3. So I know you do the reading (or you fake it at the Library, heh) so I'd really like to see you make some more fleshed out connections here to Lessig. You've got them, and I agree with you (and it's a great remix to us). I'd just like to hear more and what else you might be able to do with it. Push your critical thinking and writing a bit more if you can.
